Won't leave me alone
I can't get a good night's sleep for the life of me
It's just so much drama
personal - professional - in the world
I need your help
Help deliver me from these
Hear me out, now
-Lyrics Born

It is times like this where I wonder if there is some cosmic sign denoting a change in my fate or what will come to be. You know, one of the times where you can guess that some deity is laughing at the insane disaster of it all or if there is some patron saint of luck that has decided to finally allow some unrest to cease and for me to finally be able to breath without feeling like there is some sort of cosmic plan that will make sure that anthrax will be floating around in the air in THAT particular moment, or some inhaleable fungus that would undoubtedly turn me into a mutant (not the cool, xmen kind, because that would be rad as shit and I'd be game for it hardcore) by brushing up against some bush when avoiding a fucking bicyclist who doesn't know how to ride a bike, and is probably from California.
This morning was rough. Because the weekend was rough.
Think of Saturday. Raining. UO lost because they were effing awful during their game, and it was generally miserable and lame, so what do me and Ashley decide to do? Go in the hottub because the whole of the week before sucked (but for my sanity and your sanctity of mind, I will not go into it)! Obviously! Only for Ashley to break her key IN THE DOOR GOING INTO THE HOTTUB. BECAUSE IT WAS LOCKED. EVEN THOUGH IT WAS EIGHT O'CLOCK AND IT WAS SUPPOSED TO CLOSE TWELVE. So the key snapped and my Monday morning started off with my roommate groggily coming out of her room (because she had to wake up early to go get a new key so she wouldn't have to stalk me today) and saying "we're late" while I was drying my bangs, I looked at the clock, and we were! SURPRISE. Not that I was really worried since I always go early to the busstop anyway, but we left and it was raining and me drying my bangs was all for naught.
I get to the bus stop. No one is there except this adorable (not quite hot, a cutesy kind of look) guy, only for the girl to talk to him who I passed on the way up and then I realized, clear as day, he was gay. Score one for that lisp+oh my god girlfriend combo.
The bus ride was boring, as per usual.
German started without any issues, whatevs. My friend Jen was saying that I looked like a ghost and that I should go eat a sandwich for lunch because it'd "make you look less like the undead," but otherwise we said YAY FOR THE BERLIN WALL FALLING, and proceeded to do homework. Blah blah, class ended.
I then proceeded to get a sandwich and coffee from the cute guy at cafe roma, score one.
I then went to get crafty materials for Christmas cards and I saw a sale of a lot of paper for ONE DOLLAR. so I got red and green for two dollars! score two.
Lunch went on, I failed at the crossword (sucky because it is MONDAY and therefore the EASIEST), my friend Jordan was describing his awkward yoga poses while drawing awkward yoga positions for his yoga homework that involved how, I guess, his soul was released when he bent into the "UTKATASANA" pose, but then again, that's better than I can do so what can I say? My lack of yoga skills cements the idea that I will only ever do yoga in the privacy of my own room and away from a place where people can blatantly see how awkward my lack of ass is.
Comparative lit was exciting because I stayed awake. My friend Jen (not to be confused with Deutsch Jen!) and I were basically not noting the whole class, and if she was anything like me, secretly hating the stupid people who always talk in that class because no one likes a suckup, while also wondering "wait...when did he start talking about the Urn and not talking about Homer? Wait, why were we talking about Homer and not Virgil? Oh, shit, was that a joke or was he being serious?" Despite this, I was doodling all around my little notebook and trying to come up with awesome ideas for christmas cards. I failed pretty badly and put it away in the middle, only for me to think about anything that wasn't comp. lit afterwards. Mission complete...I guess.
MATH was next and it went by really quickly. My Professor is so dorky and again referenced Good Will Hunting, which was hilarious, but that doesn't stop me from sucking at math.
Math ended, I went to see if I could declare my German major, he was out sick. Boo.
So I headed back to the Apartment and...well, the next few hours are a blur because I was definitely not doing anything productive. Not. At. All. I think it included playing flash games and dicking around on facebook.
However, something amazing happened. I was getting ready to be moody again when I realized that the good things were outweighed by the bad things in my life, when a song started to play. Shake It Off. I decided after that, that I was going to be in a better mood. That was all I could do, be in a better mood which would improve my mindset dramatically (as I opened the slideshow to read what lecture I missed by skipping last Tuesday's psychology lecture, I got another sign and it should be noted. "Stress and how it relates to health." A sign? I think so).
I had some chocolate. Went to the Gym. Caught up (a little) on the work I am behind on. Made a Christmas card. Watched part one of a three part CSI. Got to talk to my Mum and tell her how much I love and miss her and how Turkey day can NOT COME QUICKLY ENOUGH. And had an awesome conversation with blogger and NJ friend Taylor that made me smile. I decided life wasn't too terrible. There was a silver lining. And a light at the end of the tunnel.
If yesterday I decided I was a viking in a past life, I have now decided that in a next life I want to be a Buddhist Monk.
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