When life gets you down and sad, dachshund cookies will make you glad!
led to
One of the dogs was super sparkly and I was convinced it was a vampire so I ate it.
As you may or may not know (or care), I've been gone for a few days. Between assignments, tests, and general CSI watching, it isn't any wonder that I've been so busy. You may think I'm kidding, but the most exciting thing that has happened to me was that on Tuesday night, when we (my roommate Ashley and I) were diligently (or not) studying for our tests the next day, got a rambunctious knock at the door that sounded as if it were an emergency, but since only our friends ever knock on our doors in a panicked, manic, crazy manner, we knew it was them, or one of them. They weren't talking, which was peculiar, because they are always so loud that you can hear them before they actually make it to the door. When I opened the door there were five of my friends and they were all singing a jingle that went When life gets you down and sad, dachshund cookies will make you glad!" hence the quote at the start of the entry. Then again, it wasn't really all of them singing, just one, but the sentiment was there and it was awesome. We both were super touched and needless to say, we have amazing friends who (even if they can be annoying, BUT WHO ISN'T AT TIMES?) really care about us.
It was a hilarious and sweet part of a crummy week, but I've been happier than I have been; I think it is partially because I don't want to be miserable. I mean, it's still rough, it's still part of times where I am left wondering why I am a part of such stressful situations that are slowly ruining my cheery disposition, but stress is a part of life. I have even learned to laugh at the fact that we were learning about stress in Psychology,and the poor health effects it causes over a long term, if only to see the irony in it all. Especially since that class is one of the classes I am worried about, after all, I do not know what the heck my grade is in the class. AT ALL.
Life has been better in the past, but never so much have I bonded over the strangest, most banal things that life has to offer. I mean, discussing the awesomely bad literature that is Romance novels (think Fabio and Ellora's Cave), laughing about the books that have our names in them (and then regretting the story line)...It's all really wonderful. The little things. I'm glad, too, because that is the thing that is really pulling me through. Yayyyy friends and little happy things!
As for this blog post, it is going on and on and I've been writing it for three days too long (note: I started this the night the cookies came, it has been sitting open in a window since, and it is about time to be shut down.) I don't know what to say, really, because it is going and going and going, but you know, it is about to end. So. Yeah.
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